Who We Are

Our principal, Michael Bruce, has been working in land development for as long as he can remember. One of his earliest memories is “helping” his father pave a subdivision at just two years old. Growing up in the family business, he spent summers on job sites and evenings attending zoning board hearings. Conversations around the Bruce’s dinner table often revolved around land use, and even family vacations were planned around the construction schedule.

Michael attended Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI), graduating cum laude with a bachelor’s degree in civil engineering. He later obtained a Master of Business Administration from RPI. Michael is licensed as a professional civil engineer in multiple states, including Delaware, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania.

Beyond founding Elsa Associates, Michael has been part of many esteemed organizations, including Bergmann Associates, ARCADIS, CME Engineering, the Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Nave Newell, and Civil Engineering Design Consultants. These experiences have equipped him with a comprehensive understanding of civil engineering best practices, a keen ability to interpret ordinances, bylaws, and requirements, and a network of valuable industry connections. Michael has represented clients and colleagues before municipalities and agencies nationwide, earning a reputation for thoroughness, attention to detail, and responsiveness.

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